what who where

Arseli Dokumacı

Hello, this is Arseli. I am an olive-skinned woman in her early 40s, with short black hair. I am wearing a light pink jumper and I am sitting outside at Loyola Campus. The grass is green and there are some trees and an old building behind me.
Headshot of Diego Bravo

Diego Bravo Pacheco

Diego is a brown-skinned man in his 30s. He has long black hair tied up in bun to the back of his head. He wears a moustache and a short black beard. Diego is wearing a silver nose ring on his left nostril. He is looking away from the camera while wearing amber tinted glasses on a thick black frame. Above his head there are branches and green leaves hanging from a big tree that stands before an old building at Concordia University, Loyola Campus. He is wearing a grey scarf that curls around his neck and on top of an unbuttoned blue denim jacket.
Headshot of Emery Vanderburgh

Emery Vanderburgh

A photo of Emery. I’m a white woman with shoulder-length brown hair and bangs. This photo was taken on a sunny, but cold day at Concordia’s Loyola Campus. I’m sitting on stone steps with a half-smile and squinting in the sun. I’m wearing red lipstick, an earthy yellow scarf with a paisley design, and a navy peacoat. My hands are folded in my lap. Just visible at the bottom of the frame is my yellow leg cover with an engraving of a face on it.

Jessie Myfanwy

An outdoor photo of a white freckly woman in her mid-20s staring at the camera. She has curly red hair that is blowing in the wind. She’s wearing a black turtleneck and a red leather blazer.

Nicholas Goberdhan

In this photo, Nicholas Goberdhan joyfully stands in front a serene background of bright green grass, semi-leafy tree branches in a corner of Concordia University that has many windows. With large curly black hair, Nicholas is wearing large black glasses with a red gradient tint, silver nose hoops on each nostril, and a large smile! Matching the fall background, Nicholas is wearing a jet-black turtleneck sweater under a loose-fitting grey fur coat with his hands in the pockets.
A headshot of Prakash Krishnan standing in front of a brick wall.

Prakash Krishnan

Hello, I’m Prakash. I am a brown-skinned man in his 30s with a thick black beard, wearing glasses and a patterned black and grey cardigan over a black t-shirt. I am standing in front of a brick wall looking up toward the sky. Most of my hair is tied up, out of view, but the wind blows one free lock around my neck.
A headshot of Rachel Rozanski

Rachel Rozanski

Rachel, a young woman with white hair and blue eyes sits in front of a treed courtyard at Concordia University. She is wearing a green shirt and a chunky silver necklace.

Roï Saade

Taken in September 2022, this photo shows Roï Saade, a Lebanese man with long brown hair, hazel eyes and bushy beard surrounded by green grass, trees and an old building at Loyola Campus, Concordia University. Roï has strong facial features but tries to present himself as a gentle and modest person.

Sabrina Ward-Kimola

I am a white woman with wavy light brown hair, and in this photo I am wearing round silver frame glasses, silver hoop earrings, and a reddish-brown button up collared shirt. I am sitting outside in a nicely manicured university campus, with the trees and stone architecture behind me rendered slightly out of focus.

Past committee members

  • Alaina Perez
    ( 2022-2024 )
  • Amy Mazowita
    ( On leave, Spring 2024 )
  • Dresda Emma Méndez de la Brena
    ( 2021-2023 )
  • Mitchell Rae Cousineau
    ( 2021-2022 )
  • Raphaëlle Bessette-Viens
    ( 2021-2022 )
  • Salima Punjani
    ( 2021-2022 )
  • Yolanda Muñoz
    ( 2022 )
  • Dresda Emma Méndez de la Brena
    ( 2024 )
  • Julio Meza Díaz
    ( 2024 )
  • Kelann Currie-Williams
    ( 2024 )
  • Meesh Sara Fradkin
    ( 2024 )
  • Salima Punjani
    ( 2024 )
  • Sawsan AlSaraf 
    ( 2024 )
  • Yasemin Eroglu
    ( 2024 )
  • Zahra Hosseini
    ( 2024 )