Zied Ben Romdhane, born in 1981 in Tunisia, focuses primarily on his native country in his work. He explores the socio-political contrasts between inland regions and coastal areas, shedding light on how geography shapes these dynamics. Romdhane published his first book, “West of Life,” in 2018 with Red Hook Editions, and “Children of the Moon” with Les Éditions Lalla Hadria. He participated in the Arab Documentary Photography Program in 2015 (AFAC) and World Press Photo’s 2013 Reporting Change initiative, taking part in the Joop Swart Masterclass with World Press Photo and receiving the POPCAP award (Africa Image, Basel, 2015). He was selected for the 6X6 Global Talent Program by the World Press Photo Foundation in 2018 and was a member of the collectives “Rawiya” and “Native.” Zied Ben Romdhane joined Magnum as a nominee in 2019.